180523 Outdoor Emergency Lighting

Outdoor stairways are difficult and expensive to light and traditional emergency lighting is particularly problematic. Ongoing maintenance issues drive up operating costs so that’s where Ecoglo’s emergency visibility products can build a failsafe code compliant solution. It’s Ecoglo’s durability in outdoor conditions that really makes the difference.

Ecoglo’s engineers are continually approached to create emergency lighting solutions for outdoor stairways which are part of an evacuation route or exit path and now a recent engineering report confirms just how effective Ecoglo’s solution is, complete the form below if you’d like more information.

Ecoglo products absorb natural light during the day and then are visible all night.

Cost effective, failsafe, sustainable.


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I’ve had a number of reports about the pressure being applied to building surveyors, certifiers and fire engineers by the lighting cartel in Australia. It appears that they don’t like photoluminescent exit signs which are compliant building code solutions in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan! The activity seems so orchestrated that you’ve got to wonder what’s behind it all?

The lighting cartel bleats on about “public safety being paramount” but is that the real reason they’re applying so much pressure to design and compliance professionals?

I think it’s the old “follow the money”. How many PL exit signs have we sold in NZ since the building code was changed? If the saving per sign is $150 we’re talking about many, many millions of dollars missing out of some poor emergency lighting sales manager’s budget.

When we get the same market penetration in Australia there will certainly be blood on their balance sheets, very sad 😦

The lighting cartel can keep going with their theatrics but every day we see more facility managers, consultants and regulators shaking their heads in disbelief, they know the huge dollars that the cartel are trying to protect.


The Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Montreal is an architectural gem with over 400 rooms and suites – not to mention excellent views of the gardens and city.

To make sure that the hotel’s exit signs will operate in any blackout the Bonaventure has installed Ecoglo’s revolutionary hybrid PL exit signs which combine state of the art LED technology with Ecoglo’s patented photoluminescent technology. No more battery failures or generators failing to start, not to mention big savings in facility operating costs!

Ecoglo’s technology essentially replaces the battery or generator with a photonic storage device – the Ecoglo photoluminescent panel. The Ecoglo hybrid PL exit signs use the panel to store the photonic energy from the built in LED’s (which are powered from mains electricity).

If the electricity fails in an emergency the stored energy in the Ecoglo panel is used to produce visible light.

This means no more battery failures and no need to find someone else’s backyard to dump the old batteries in.

Cost effective, failsafe, sustainable!

For a technical data sheet email Trevor: