FAILSAFE Ecoglo F15-175 Step Nosing

Spotted the use of Ecoglo’s new F15-175 step nosing at the local arts centre (on the way to a weekend movie).

The F15 is a great combination of anti-slip, step edge contrast in the daytime then high visibility all through the night. All manufactured with Ecoglo’s HTC process for maximum outdoor durability.

Btw “RESPECT” was a great movie, Jennifer Hudson plays the role of Aretha Franklin, well worth a look!


Simplicity sums up Ecoglo’s next generation Hybrid Photoluminescent Exit Sign.

It’s not just the simplicity of the innovative and simple electronics or the simplicity of no batteries. It’s also the simplicity of the inspection and testing requirements for the hybrid.

Look out for the Ecoglo testing QR code or take a look at the testing video on YouTube:

Economically feasible, environmentally friendly, socially responsible